Thursday, September 1, 2011

Types of Sentences

This entry is geared to the homeschooler looking for curriculum material for sentences.

Sometimes we run blind – and the unschoolers just run...
So here's a little guidance to take or leave as you see fit.

Kinds of Sentences - first what are you going to explore. There is a world of learning out there available and it's all in your hands to guide. Lead your little learner to the lessons and watch them soak them up.

Fun to start with is of course,"Run-on Sentences." A run-on sentence is a sentence that runs into another sentence. Two or more parts of a run-on sentence can stand by itself. Interestingly, run-on sentences can exist in both short and long sentences. The length of a sentence does not determine whether that sentence is a run-on sentence.

Then you have to venture into "Types of Sentences" - will they be Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, or Exclamatory? A great example that will get your little learner is as follows.
Declarative: My cat has fleas.
Imperative: If your cat does not get a flea collar it will get fleas.
Interrogative: Does my cat have fleas?
Exclamatory: My cat has fleas!

This is a great time to introduce punctuation to your little one who has not started to learn to use it.

Have fun and see what types of sentences your child/children can come up with - share some examples with us below!

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